(Disagree) 1-2-3-4-5 (Agree)
1. ANYTHING that isolates us from relationships with people that do not believe in Jesus Christ is the “offending hand” (Matt. 5:30).
2. Even if the timesuck that isolates you is church attendance?
3. Even if the timesuck that isolates you is bible study?
4. Even if the timesuck that isolates you is 16 hours a day of prayer?
5. Even if the result of the timesuck is volumes of biblical knowledge?
6. Even if the timesuck that isolates results in hearty, rich relationships with those that already believe in Christ?
7. Even if the effort, time, self-discipline all result in a pious, religious, sacrosanct life?
8. Even if your intentions are good and you commiserate with aplomb?
Just wondering…