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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Where is the love in condemning people to hell?

Welton Gaddy

Pastor for preaching and worship at Northminster (Baptist) Church in Monroe, LA, Gaddy has written more than 20 books and hosts the weekly radio show, State of Belief.  ALL POSTS

Personally, I am not as intrigued by the question of why what we think about the afterlife matters as I am by why Pastor Bell’s theology about the afterlife has incited such strong negative reactions. Indeed, the question that I find most compelling in this situation is, “Why do people who claim to embody the love of God become so disturbed by the idea that God might be even better than they imagine in character and exhibit a depth and breadth of love that they cannot fathom?” I am baffled by people who find more satisfaction in assurance that there is a hell and that a lot of people are going there than they do joy in thinking about the possibility of everybody being accepted by God. What kind of compassion finds pleasure in a guarantee that some people are going to suffer?

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